
Uncomplicate Python EDA with this Pandas GUI

gui for pandas
Is Data Science really just for the technical staff? A question that plagues almost every organization thinking about upskilling the digital literacy of their employees. And the simple answer is, No.

Which is why we have tools to make life simpler for non-technical people. Tableau, for example, makes data visualization a lot simpler than lagacy tools like Excel. AutoML platforms like Teachable Machine from Google makes Machine Learning a breeze. And then we have bamboolib, a tool which makes common data wrangling and exploration tasks using Pandas fast, easy and fun! How? By adding a GUI for Pandas.

Wait, what?!
Yes, you heard it right. bamboolib is a GUI for Pandas DataFrames that enables anyone to work with Python in Jupyter Notebook or JupyterLab. Created by Tobias Krabel and Florian Wetschoreck, here are some key features of bamboolib:

  • Intuitive GUI that exports Python code
  • Supports all common transformations and visualizations
  • Provides best-practice analyses for data exploration
  • Add custom transformations via simple Python plugins
  • Integrate your company's internal Python libraries

    Here's a short video on data preparation using this amazing tool:

    And here's another one on how you can transform your data, within minutes:

    But wait, that's not all!
    We all know coders are faster on keyboard than a mouse. That's why bamboolib fully supports the keyboard. You can checkout the complete tutorial here.

    And, you can extend bamboolib with your own transformations and visualizations via simple Python plugins. Find out how to write plugins here.

    Here is a whole bunch of documents to help you get started with bamboolib. These really accounts for a smooth the learning curve.

    But those are the features. What's the advantage of using bamboolib again?
  • Well, it enables data scientists and analysts to work with Python without having to write code
  • It reduces the on-boarding time and training costs for data analysts and scientists
  • It also enables data analysts to collaborate with data scientists within Jupyter and to share the working results as reproducible code
  • It is affordable, creates no technical lock-in and provides the greatest flexibility via leveraging Python
  • And what's more important is that all your data remains private and secure

    Want to know if it's the best-fit for your organization?
    I have some good news for you. You can try bamboolib for free, you can request for a free trial license from here. It is already being used by some of the major corporations including Spotify, P&G, mediquest etc.

    Give it a try, and see how it can make a difference for you too. And don't forget to give us a Like on Facebook.
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