
Chart Swapping in Tableau

Looking at the same data in a different way can lead to new insights. So it's always best to let your users the ability to choose various chart types while they are viewing a Tableau dashboard. And the process using which we can do this is very simple, so you do not need to spend much time over this. Here's how you can do it.

1. Create the charts in individual Tableau worksheets
2. Create a Parameter like this

Chart Swap in Tableau

Please note that this might look a bit different since I took this screenshot on my online Tableau Editor. Although it's in Beta, you can use it too.

3. Create a Calculated Field using the Parameter we created

Chart Swap in Tableau

Please note that you might not see the Dependencies at first.

4. Add the Parameter in one of the worksheet, and select that worksheet in the Parameter
5. Drag and drop the Calculated Field in the Filters card, select the name of the respective field in the filter
6. Repeat the same for all other worksheets
7. Create a Tableau dashboard
8. Add the Parameter to the dashboard
9. Add a vertical layout container on the dashboard
10. Add the first sheet in the container, ensure that the name of that sheet is showing in the Parameter
11. Select the name of the other sheet in the Parameter, and drop that sheet on the container
12. Don't forget to hide the title of the sheets

You can download/view a sample from here.

[Pic courtesy: Gauthier]